[摘要] 随着中国建筑金属结构信息网工程施工技术的进步,中国建筑金属结构信息网工程的起吊技术不断进步,其中整体提升技术以效率高、成本低而得到广泛应用,本文重点结合施工工程详细介绍了整体提升与高空滑移相接合的施工工艺的主要技术和控制措施,以及整个施工过程的仿真分析方法、施工过程中相关土建结构的加固方法和施工安全防护措施等。
[关键词] 起吊技术 整体提升 高空滑移 仿真分析
Abstract: With the development of construction technology in steel structure,
the heave technology in steel structure make progress, in that overall
elevation erecting is comprehensively apply by right of high efficiency and
low cost. This paper focus on technology and control measure in overall elevation
erecting with top slide construction as well as the simulate analysis in the
construction and reinforce measures in civil work.
Key work: heave technology overall elevation erecting top slide simulate analysis